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Showing posts from March, 2020

A is for 'Association'

Although this( being a member of your residential association) is hardly a hobby and more of a necessary intervention by community-minded people who want to maintain some standards in their neighbourhood, I see more and more senior citizens being active members of their building associations. My dad, for instance, was the Secretary of the resident’s association in the earlier group of flats where we stayed. I used to wonder why he had this masochistic interest in dealing with ungrateful people who would be rude, oppose him, and even call at odd hours( I have fielded a call from some loon at 6 am one day) and abuse him verbally for a burden of a job that didn’t even pay. But now that I’m older, I understand why he is taking upon himself so much of this burden. We have shifted from the earlier apartments and now stay in the suburbs in a villa, but we still face numerous issues. My dad, who is 72, has put in way too many hours of community service. We’ve had people ring the bell so

How hobbies can enrich one’s life

Everybody needs a hobby. Some people are naturally more predisposed to boredom. These are the creative ones that if encouraged and nurtured can go on to change the world. But before they save the world, they need to save themselves. As the saying goes, no one can pour out of an empty cup. Many artists and creative folk are prone to listlessness and depression. They need hobbies to keep them afloat in choppy seas and help them tide over challenges. Sometimes, they are prone to dark moods and anger, too. The only way to heal is through staying engaged creatively. What will help is to stay amidst verdant surroundings in a peaceful place with few disturbances so that one can delve into one’s artistic self and draw from the wellspring of creativity that lies within. It must be tapped because unless one uses it, one loses it. It’s just like one’s grey cells. It needs regular honing and application. Creative people owe it to themselves, if not to the world, to try to create, even through th